Discover our technical assistance contract.





Remote Assistance

+ 20.000

We offer different types of IT support to meet your company's diverse needs..

That's why each type of IT support has its advantages and is chosen based on the complexity of the problem, the availability of resources and the specific needs of your company.

Remote technical support

In this type of support, technicians access equipment remotely to diagnose and resolve problems. This allows for a quick and efficient response, without the need to travel physically.

On-site technical support

It involves technicians physically visiting your company to solve problems that cannot be solved remotely. This type of support is useful for complex issues or situations where maintenance is required on specific hardware.

Telephone support

Customers contact our support team by telephone to report problems and receive advice on how to resolve them. This type of support is efficient for simple and quick issues.

Telephone support

Customers contact our support team by telephone to report problems and receive advice on how to resolve them. This type of support is efficient for simple and quick issues.

Online support

It involves using our internal portal to provide technical assistance in real time.

Online support

It involves using our internal portal to provide technical assistance in real time.

IT Support (Information Technology)

In addition to traditional technical support, we have comprehensive infrastructure management, systems monitoring, cyber security and technology consultancy services.

IT Support (Information Technology)

In addition to traditional technical support, we have comprehensive infrastructure management, systems monitoring, cyber security and technology consultancy services.

Software support

We help your company with software problems such as installation, updating, compatibility and bug fixing.

Hardware support

We deal with hardware problems, diagnose faults, repair and replace parts.

We guarantee peace of mind.

You can count on our specialised support to solve any technological problems and keep everything running smoothly.

We provide solutions!

What's more, you can count on our technical assistance to solve any technological challenge and guarantee the full operation of your equipment and systems.

We solve your problem remotely in just a few minutes!

Type of Assistance *

Team Specialised in Assistance for Bars, Discos and Restaurants.

Technical assistance and specialised support for

Bars, discos and restaurants.

You can count on our services to keep your systems and equipment in perfect working order at all times, guaranteeing a smooth and efficient experience for your customers. Our highly qualified team is ready to solve any technological problem, allowing you to focus on the success of your establishment. Rest assured that we are here to take care of the technology while you take care of your business. You can count on our assistance anywhere in the country.

Support / Assistance 

XD Software - ZSRest Software - Winrest Software - ETPOS Software